Annex 5.2. Key prerequisites for knowledge-based growth
Table A.5.2.1
Key prerequisites for knowledge-based growth
Composite factors | Individual factors | Description |
Institutions |
Institutions |
Public institutions (75% – property rights, ethics and corruption, undue influence, government efficiency, security) and private institutions (25% – corporate ethics, accountability). |
Macroeconomic environment |
Macroeconomic environment |
Government budget balance, gross national savings, inflation, government debt, country’s credit rating. |
Markets |
Goods market efficiency |
Competition (67% – domestic competition and foreign competition) and quality of demand conditions (33%) |
Labour market efficiency |
Efficiency (50%) and efficient use of talent (50%) |
Financial market development |
Efficiency (50%) and trustworthiness and confidence (50%) |
Market size |
Summarises information about domestic market size and foreign market size. |
Intensity of local competition* |
In your country, how intense is the competition in the local market? (1 = not intense at all; 7 = extremely intense) |
Proclivity to trade* |
Imports and exports as a percentage of GDP (hard data; simple average rescaled to 1-7) |
Prevalence of foreign ownership* |
How prevalent is foreign ownership of companies in your country? (1 = very rare; 7 = highly prevalent) |
Days to start business* |
Number of days required to start a business (hard data; rescaled to 1-7) |
Access to technology |
Availability of latest technologies |
In your country, to what extent are the latest technologies available? (1 = not available at all; 7 = extremely available) |
ICT availability/use |
Internet users, broadband internet subscriptions, internet bandwidth, mobile broadband subscriptions, mobile telephone subscriptions, fixed telephone lines. |
FDI and technology transfer |
To what extent does FDI bring new technology into your country? (1 = not at all; 7 = to a great extent) |
Absorptive capacity |
Secondary enrolment |
Gross secondary education enrolment rate (hard data; rescaled to 1-7) |
Quality of the educational system |
How well does the educational system in your country meet the needs of a competitive economy? (1 = not well at all; 7 = extremely well) |
Extent of staff training |
In your country, to what extent do companies invest in training and employee development? (1 = not at all; 7 = to a great extent) |
“Brain drain” |
Does your country attract talented people from abroad? (1 = not at all; 7 = attracts the best and brightest from around the world). Does your country retain talented people? (1 = The best and brightest leave to pursue opportunities in other countries. 7 = The best and brightest stay and pursue opportunities in this country.) |
Tertiary enrolment |
Gross tertiary education enrolment rate (hard data; rescaled to 1-7) |
Creative capacity |
“Brain drain” |
Does your country attract talented people from abroad? (1 = not at all; 7 = attracts the best and brightest from around the world). Does your country retain talented people? (1 = The best and brightest leave to pursue opportunities in other countries. 7 = The best and brightest stay and pursue opportunities in this country.) |
Tertiary enrolment |
Gross tertiary education enrolment rate (hard data; rescaled to 1-7) |
Availability of scientists and engineers |
In your country, to what extent are scientists and engineers available? (1 = not at all; 7 = widely available) |
Quality of scientific research institutions |
In your country, how would you assess the quality of scientific research institutions? (1 = extremely poor – among the worst in the world; 7 = extremely good – among the best in the world) |
University-industry research collaboration |
In your country, to what extent do business and universities collaborate on research and development (R&D)? (1 = do not collaborate at all; 7 = collaborate extensively) |
Intellectual property protection |
In your country, how strong is the protection of intellectual property, including anti-counterfeiting measures? (1 = extremely weak; 7 = extremely strong) |
Venture capital availability |
In your country, how easy is it for entrepreneurs with innovative but risky projects to find venture capital? (1 = extremely difficult; 7 = extremely easy) |
* These variables are also represented in the composite goods market efficiency indicator, but they are nevertheless also introduced separately to increase their weight in the markets indicator.
Source: Veugelers (2011)